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     I practiced Podiatric Medicine and Surgery for ten years. Following the death of my father,  I really began to question LIFE and how I fit into the bigger picture. The pain and emptiness I was feeling at that time was unbearable, as it is for all of us when we lose a loved one. ( But do we really lose them?)


     After many years of reading and searching for answers, I decided to drop out of the “Rat Race”( no easy decision I might add) for one year. I planned to backpack around the world on what I was calling my own Spiritual Quest and Journey for answers.


     Now, some 25 years later I am still on this Journey. Early on in my process, I learned the following lessons and higher spiritual truths which really helped me and opened me up to all NEW REALMS OF POSSIBILITY:


1)     Our consciousness continues on, even after our physical death.

2)     We are much more than just our physical forms. ( We are DIVINE and IMMORTAL SOULS )

3)     There is so much more to LIFE than just our 3rd dimensional reality we currently reside in.


     After everything I have learned and experienced, I have now dedicated the rest of my life

to teach and share these higher spiritual truths with others.

I currently reside in southern Arizona.

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